This week I was able to put 3 applications in to companies that I would really enjoy working for. All three companies dealt with troubled kids of some type. Foster, teens, troubled, abandoned, etc. they all have some kind of trouble. My passion has always been to work with the youth of today, making a difference and changing a life. No, I don't aim to be the Mother Teresa of today, I am just wanting to be able to touch the hearts and souls of those whom have nobody. I pray about someday being able to work in a field that could and will be so satisfying and rewarding. Working in the school system I have seen many kids fall through the cracks and slip away. I have always had my hand out to them when ever in need or in trouble. This is what seemed to have got me in trouble initially with my job at the High School. I just wanted to make a difference and people, at least administration, did not seem to get this. The Hierarchy as a whole had seemed to forgotten why they had chosen the teaching profession in the first place. I believe initially we all get into it for the kids and as time rolls by most of use, or should I say them, seem to forget and become complacent in what they do. My heart is still with the youth of our country and I really feel if given the right chance with God as my strength and guide, I can make a difference and I can live out my dream. No Col ledge education or training can teach you to love and care for another individual unconditionally, this comes from inside and above. My Father has always stood by me in all I do and he has never forsaken me. He has always carried me through the low times in my life and had been there in the peaks. Even if I had forgotten on times that He is always beside me and most of the time carrying me. This is what I want to be to these kids, someone who wants to make a difference, not expecting anything in return for the blessings are far greater in the end than anything I will ever experience here. Off to sleep now dreaming of only a chance.
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